Refreshing drink for summer is iced coffee
Coffee has become part of our life; it is a drink which can be taken at any time of the day. Most of the people drink coffee whenever they are in stress as it makes them feel refreshed and they are able to concentrate on their work more effectively. There are two type coffees one which is served hot and the other one is served cool. Most of the vendors use the custom paper coffee cups to serve the hot or cold coffee. Cold coffee can be relished at any time but the demand in summer become double. If you have never tried the refreshing cool iced coffees then below are some most popular iced coffees which you must try.
- Iced Coffee: It is very simple coffee; the regular coffee is served with ice with either milk, cream or some type of sweetener. If you like regular coffee than you can try the iced coffee.
- Iced espresso: It is same like iced coffee; it can be served directly with the plain espresso and ice or else with some cream, milk and sweetener. If you do not drink the regular milk due to some reasons then you can opt for plant or nut based milk.
- Cold brew coffee: The cold brew coffee is made by steeping coffee beans for long hours. The more it is kept for steeping that strong your coffee will be. Once the steeping process is done you either add milk, cream and sweetener. But one thing here you need to keep in mind is never use the fine grind beans as it may give you bad taste when you are taking your last sips. So always pick up the coarsely grinded beans to make your iced brew coffee.
- If you have just started making coffees and by miss you have made stronger brew coffee than you can add little cold milk or water to make it light. But if you wanted strong coffee and you have made week brew then there is no chance of correcting it.
- Frappuccino: It is coffee drinks which are made with the blended ice, and it is topped up with full cream and flavoured syrup. There are many variations in the frapps and each one will be different then other.
- Nitro: It is nothing but the cold brew with nitrogen bubbles. The people who love more froth they can try this cold coffee with frothy. The nitrogen bubbles are also poured by using the nitro tap.
- Mazagran: It is cross between ice coffee and tea. It is made with espresso, sugar and lemon. And some of your favourite drinks can also be added in to this.
Hope soon you will try the iced coffee and get refreshed in the hot summer day.