Bail bonds are the financial guarantees that ensure release of the arrested person before the trial begins. Though most of the people know what exactly bail bonds are, but many people do not know that there’re different kinds of the fast bail bonds pa available in our legal system. Let us check out the breakdown of different kinds of bail bonds accessible and how do they differ from one another.
- Surety Bail Bonds: These bonds are the most common types of bail bond used. Here, the bail bondsman or service posts bail amount for the accused for certain fee that is generally the percentage of bail amount. Suppose the accused does not show up in the court, then bondsman will be held liable for the whole bail amount.
- Cash Bail Bonds: Cash bond needs the whole bail amount being paid up front, either in cash, to court or jail. Suppose accused attends all the court hearings & trial proceedings, then they get the bail amount back. But, if they do not, court keeps that money.
- Release on Recognizance: This kind of bail bond needs no bail amount and bail bondsman. Judge decides if to release an accused based on the flight risk, severity of crime, and if they are the threat to society.
- Federal Bail Bonds: The federal bonds are generally issued in cases where an accused has committed the federal offense. Such bonds generally need higher fees compared to the state bonds.
- Property Bail Bonds: The property bonds are very less common but sometimes are allowed in certain cases where bail amount is very high. In the property bond, accused will put up the valuable asset, like a car or house, as collateral against bail amount. Suppose they do not show up for the court hearings, then property will be seized by the court.
Understanding different kinds of the bail bonds will help an accused and family members to make a better and informed choice while seeking the bond. But, it is very important to remember that every case is very unique and that final decision about the kind of bail bond issued mainly lies with judge.